Thursday 30 June 2011

Life outside a Bubble

Life in a Bubble - goes outside the bubble!

I am going to Bologna with my Church in Durham - I'm blogging on our progress here - check it out!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Art:Live Space in Empty Shop

As part of the Alive Summer Mission, the Durham Christian Union ran an 'art space', displaying art created by members of the Christian Union on the theme of 'What it means to be Alive', in Durham's Empty Shop

Pimms and Strawberries were served as the exhibition was opened to the public on a Tuesday evening. The aim was to explore this theme through the art, and begin a discussion around this theme between visitors and the artists. Unlike a 'traditional' CU event with a talk, this event felt more like an extended first contact session, with some visitors staying only briefly after an invite on the street, whilst others staying for a longer period to engage in discussion. 

From collages, to paintings, to photography and 3D sculptures, there was an array of different pieces presented, each contributing to the theme, and each prompting guests to consider what it means to be alive.

One guest I spoke to described how a particular photograph by Jonny Ivey had moved her to tears - considering the sacrifice of life made by a previous generation for the freedom of our own, and the effect which this has had on their children. Comments like these naturally led on to Christian themes of sacrifice and redemption, and the relationship between the sacrifice of Christ on the cross with redemption of humanity.  

This is the first event of its kind organised by the central CU. Danni, James and the events other organisers spent a great deal of time considering how the art space could be used to glorify God, engage with the theme and prompt discussion.

One piece which exemplifies how such art can be used to begin a discussion was a collage, featuring a black lace strip overlaid by a hessian cross with examples of sinful actions pegged to it. This was positioned beside a music score completing the work. The piece spoke powerfully of the blackness of the cross as an event, but also the beauty of what it achieves, as we see all our sin pinned to Jesus as He died. 

The soundtrack to the evening was provided by Josh Baylis and John Castling. Both musicians created a vibrant atmosphere, which greeted the 100+ visitors during the evening.   Part of the success of the art space lay in the effort which the organisers took to create a space where guests would be comfortable to stay and chat for an hour or so. 

I contributed a work, which was by no means a masterpiece, but I enjoyed making it! I've enclosed it below, along with a short(!) accompanying blurb written to explore the underlying themes in the piece. 

Durham Alive
We see life wherever we are – in the people we meet, the places we go, the scenes we visit and the streets we walk. Life in Durham is all around. Through this piece, I wanted to capture a snapshot of Durham alive, and hoped that each image would offer a glimpse into the nature of life in our city.

Doing this, I was reminded of a verse from the Old Testament, the first half of the Bible, which says:

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

The truth of the beauty in the world before us is clear – we see it richly every day, but this vitality points beyond itself. The wonder of life points to an eternity set within our hearts by God; the vitality of life speaks of a multi-coloured purpose beyond the black and white. And yet, we are unable to fathom all that God has done. But Jesus offers a view into the full saturation of God's plan. Awash with colour, Jesus shows us who God us, reveals who we really are, and has the power to grant us the eternity set within our hearts. 

Wednesday 15 June 2011

24/7 Alive

For three weeks over June, the Durham CU are operating a 24/7 prayer room - a space for Christian students to pray at any time, day or night - under the banner of 24/7 Alive. 

As a Christian, I am well aware of the constant need to depend on God in prayer - but I am certainly also well aware of how easy it is to neglect this privilege. Our Father holds the world in the palm of His hand - after all, creation is his handiwork. Our Lord and Saviour sustains all we see by His powerful word. Is any more motivation and incentive to pray needed?

The goal of this CU initiative isn't to pride ourselves in the amount we pray, nor is it about trying to "twist God's arm" into dispensing the items on our prayer shopping list. The goal is to pray. The goal is to pray as a community of Christians seeking to reach Durham University with the good news of Jesus. There is nothing intrinsically deeper or richer or better about praying at 3am then 3pm, and there is nothing spiritually special about a particular space we set up to be our prayer room - but in giving over a portion of resources into operating 24/7 Alive we remind ourselves of our priority and our privilege to be continually dependent on God in prayer. 

In order to promote this venture, a friend and I created a promotional video to help students in Durham CU catch the vision for 24/7 prayer this term. 

We borrowed (read: stole) the concept from a brilliant video produced by a few St. Andrews students. Though the videos are similar, we began our project with prior permission from them!

The final result is embedded below, but I've also pasted a few shots that didn't make the final cut, as well as some high quality versions of a couple that did. 

Firstly, some high res versions of a few of the shots:

This is one of my favourite views in Durham -
all the more so this time of year!

We were very lucky and managed to get onto
a roof in the centre of Durham

A scaffold free shot of the Cathedral! 

And then some that didn't make the cut: 

I do like this shot - I'll be using an edited version elsewhere I think

And then some just for fun!

Creativity fuel - quality!

Creative Director and Editor: Danni
(I'll be in trouble for posting this!)

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Durham Continental Market

There is something quite unique about the Durham Market place on the day of a market. Especially so with the visiting Continental Market - a group of travelling stalls, visiting towns and cities across the UK, selling a range of  foods, textiles, jewellery. I went out with my camera to capture the essence and feel of it - take a look below, and let me know what you think!